Deposit Review


Assuming the current user has sufficient authority and the Require Deposit Review option is enabled in the operator's Financial Institution, the Deposit Review button displays under the main menu.

Select the Deposit Review button from the main page. The Deposit Review window displays. This window contains a list of deposits that require review.

Field Name


Deposit Id

Unique Id associated with this deposit. 


When you select the Deposit Id link, the Deposit Disposition window displays.

Deposit Name

Name given the deposit when the deposit was created.


When you select the Deposit Id link, the Deposit Disposition window displays.

Last Updated By

User Id of the last user who updated the deposit

Capture User

User Id of the user who created the deposit

Last Updated Time

The time-stamp of the last update


Currently, the only status is UNDER REVIEW.

Available for Review

This column is only be visible for a Super Reviewer, and shows a check mark if the deposit is available for review or a lock if the deposit is currently locked by another user. The Super Reviewer can click on the lock icon to unlock the deposit, if necessary.

Locked By

User Id who has locked the deposit

Locked Date

Date the deposit was locked

Menu and Button Items

Item Name


Review Queue

Selecting this menu item refreshes the Deposit Review window.

Auto Review Mode

Selecting this button opens the Deposit Disposition window and the first available deposit from the review queue is loaded.  When the user clicks Submit or Skip on the Deposit Disposition window, the next available deposit from the review queue is loaded.  The user continues to get the next available deposit until no more deposits are available or the user exits "auto" mode by clicking on the Review Queue menu option.