Deposit Disposition Window

The Deposit Disposition window displays when the operator selects either the Deposit Id or Deposit Name field from the Deposit Review window. The selected deposit displays in the Deposit Disposition window.


Deposit Information:

Summary details regarding the deposit are displayed in the top left of the page.

Deposit Disposition views:

This page contains three views:

·         View All Items – This view presents a list of all items in the deposit

·         View Exception Items – This view presents only those items that encountered an exception that must be reviewed by a Deposit Reviewer.

·         Show Duplicates – This view displays only those items that were accepted as duplicates.

Image View

The operator may display the front or back of the image by selecting the appropriate tab above the image display.

Exception Items

This area list all the exceptions encountered by the selected item. Possible exceptions are:

·         IQA results below threshold         

·         CAR results below threshold                   

·         Duplicate MICR           

·         Coupon account is configured to be a stop pay account     

·         BPD Require Attention 

·         Batch Size Exceeded  

·         Duplicate Work           

·         DEPOSIT IS OPENED FOR PROCESS               

·         Item Threshold Amount is exceeded                     

·         Deposit Threshold Amount is exceeded                

·         Routing Number Exception                      

·         Account Exception         

·         CAR amount do no match Item amount                

·         Deposit declared amount changed                       

·         MICR-Image Code line mismatch detected                       

The Deposit Reviewer may choose to accept an exception by selecting the green + icon in the Accept column. Once an exception has been accepted, it is removed from the list. Once all exceptions have been accepted for an item, it is removed from the Deposit Items list.

The operator may stop Auto-Review by pressing the Stop button.